Week 16
Your baby is the size of a chocolate covered apple!
Fun Fact!
Your baby's hair is likely starting to grow.
Dos and Don'ts
  • Do start sleeping on your left side
  • Don't look at your ultrasound screen if you want to keep your baby's gender a secret
What should you expect in Week 16?
  • From a donut sprinkle to a chocolate-covered apple, your baby is getting so big!
  • Every day your uterus is expanding to create more room, making that bump of yours bigger and bigger.
  • Week 16 is around the first of the weeks some moms can even start to feel their babies moving around.
  • As The Bump reports, these initial movements and sensations are called “quickenings.”
  • You may have also been asked whether or not you want to do an amniocentesis. This is an elective test that can detect several defects and abnormalities.
  • The test is “generally considered safe, but comes with a very small increased risk of miscarriage.”
  • As for your baby, those tiny movements and motions may be triggered by the sound of your voice.
  • That’s right; it’s around week 16 that your baby begins to really hear what is going on around him or her, so start chatting away!
  • In addition to hearing sounds, your baby is also growing hair, more bones, and muscles, and their liver and pancreas are starting to work!
  • Their toenails are starting to form, and so is their lung tissue.
Helpful Products
Newborn Baby Bassinet
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You may be deciding how you want to handle the sleep schedule when you first bring your baby home! This newborn bedside bassinet can be a huge help!
BravoFor2 LE Standing/Sitting Double Stroller
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Treaded rubber tires, full suspension, and front swivels help maintain a smooth ride for both passengers in every configuration.
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