Do Belly Buttons Pop Out During Pregnancy? Exploring the Myth and Reality

This article was written based on this question from the Mamas Uncut forum


During pregnancy, women go through numerous physical changes as their bodies accommodate the growing baby. One of the commonly discussed topics among expectant mothers is whether their belly buttons will pop out. In this article, we will explore the myth and reality behind belly buttons popping out during pregnancy.

The Nature of Belly Buttons

Belly buttons, also known as umbilical navels, come in different shapes and depths. Some people have an ‘innie,’ where the belly button is indented, while others have an ‘outie,’ where the belly button protrudes. The shape and depth of the belly button are determined by factors like genetics and individual body composition.

Causes of Belly Button Popping Out

There are several reasons why a belly button may pop out during pregnancy. Firstly, as the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby, it puts pressure on the abdominal muscles and surrounding tissues. This pressure can cause the belly button to stretch and protrude. Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the connective tissues, making them more relaxed and prone to stretching.

Factors Affecting Belly Button Pop Out

The likelihood of a belly button popping out during pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. Factors that influence this include the depth of the belly button, the size of the baby bump, and the individual’s body composition. Women with deeper belly buttons are less likely to experience their belly buttons popping out. Similarly, if the baby bump is smaller or the woman has a slimmer body, the chances of the belly button popping out are reduced.

Personal Experiences

Many women share their personal experiences regarding their belly buttons during pregnancy. Some mothers report that their belly buttons never popped out, even after multiple pregnancies. Others mention that their belly buttons flattened or became flush with their bellies, rather than popping out. It is important to note that these experiences are subjective and vary greatly among individuals.

Medical Perspective

From a medical perspective, the popping out of the belly button during pregnancy is generally considered a cosmetic change and not a cause for concern. It is a natural response to the physiological changes occurring in the body. However, if the belly button becomes painful, red, or swollen, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional, as it may indicate an underlying issue.


In conclusion, the popping out of the belly button during pregnancy is a common phenomenon, but not all women experience it. The likelihood of the belly button popping out depends on factors such as the depth of the belly button, the size of the baby bump, and individual body composition. Ultimately, each pregnancy is unique, and it is important for expectant mothers to focus on their overall well-being rather than solely on the appearance of their belly buttons.

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