The Decision to End a Pregnancy: What to Consider and How to Communicate with Your Partner

This article was written based on this question from the Mamas Uncut forum


Making the decision to end a pregnancy is never easy, especially when it involves navigating complex emotions and potential conflicts within a marriage. In a recent thread on the MU Parents Forum, a mother shared her dilemma of not wanting to continue her pregnancy but fearing her husband’s desires and expectations. This article aims to provide guidance on how to approach such a situation, taking into account both the mother’s feelings and the importance of open communication within a marriage.

Understanding the Importance of Communication

A marriage is built on trust, honesty, and shared decision-making. Keeping such a significant secret from a partner can have long-term repercussions on the relationship. As one forum user wisely stated, “Every secret comes to light eventually.” It’s crucial to remember that hiding a major decision like ending a pregnancy can lead to broken trust, questions about other undisclosed secrets, and potential damage to the stability of the marriage.

Considering the Impact on the Marriage and Family Dynamics

It’s essential to consider how the decision to end a pregnancy may affect not only the mother, but also the other children and the marriage as a whole. While one forum user professed the joys and blessings of having multiple children, it’s crucial to acknowledge that each family has unique circumstances and limitations.

Research has shown that financial strain and lack of space can negatively impact family dynamics and the overall well-being of parents and children. According to a study published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues, lower income and smaller living spaces can contribute to increased parenting stress and a higher risk of parental depression. Therefore, it’s crucial for the mother to honestly evaluate her emotional and physical capacity to handle another child, as well as the family’s financial and living situation.

The Importance of Honesty and Respect in a Marriage

While the decision to continue or end a pregnancy ultimately lies with the pregnant woman, it is essential to recognize that the husband also has a right to be informed and involved in the decision-making process. As one forum user stated, “That’s his kid too.” It’s vital to approach the conversation with respect, understanding, and empathy, recognizing that both partners have valid feelings and concerns.

Suggestions for Communicating with Your Partner

  1. Find the Right Time and Place: Choose a calm and serene environment where both partners can openly express their feelings without interruptions or distractions.
  2. Express Your Emotions: Clearly convey your fears, concerns, and reasons behind not wanting to continue the pregnancy. Be honest about your emotional and physical capabilities to handle another child.
  3. Listen to Your Partner: Give your husband a chance to share his thoughts and feelings about the situation. Consider his perspective and try to have an open mind.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If the conversation becomes too challenging, it may be beneficial to involve a licensed therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and facilitate productive communication.


When faced with a decision to end a pregnancy, it’s essential to consider the impact on both the individual and the marriage. While it is ultimately the pregnant woman’s choice, honesty, respect, and open communication are vital for maintaining a healthy and trusting relationship.

It’s crucial to remember that every marriage is unique, and the decision-making process will differ for each couple. Seeking professional guidance from a therapist or counselor can provide valuable support during this challenging time. The ultimate goal should be to make a decision that respects both partners’ feelings and fosters a strong foundation for the future of the marriage and family.

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